Im Engr Ahmed Musa. Im a Libyan national and i was living in Tripoli. For the past few months my country have been undergoing war due to the push for the change in government of our president Mummar Gaddafi whom have been ruling my country for the past 41years and i have managed to escape from my country for safety and i am currently in dubai, united arab emirates.
When i was in Tripoli i worked with National Oil Corporation but due to the war in my country, i have decided to move out from my country for safety purpose. Im seeking your consent to know if you are capable of investing with me in your country a very profitable business. After making some verious Reaserch concerning on how to make some investment in life and a very Good profitable one as well. i will like you to advise me on what business that will be very Profitable to me and you in your country. I will be greatful as soon as I receive your reply indicating your interest and ability to assist me in handling this.
Looking foward to hearing from you.
Engr Ahmed Musa.
Email yang cuba kenakan aku! hehehe..nanti ko. Aku nak try korek sapa mamat nih. Nanti aku post kat blog ni lagih.
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