Google Analytics Connect For Blogger Blog

We all are know about Google Analytics.GA is a free service offered by Google that generates detailed statistics about the visitors to a website or blog. The product is aimed at marketers as opposed to webmasters and technologists from which the industry of web analytics originally grew. It is the most widely used website statistics service, currently in use on around 59% of the 10,000 most popular websites. Another market share analysis claims that Google Analytics is used at around 49.95% of the top 1,000,000 websites (as currently ranked by Alexa).

Blogger team announced that now you can easily connect your Google Analytics account with your blogger blog.This will give you much more insight into where your visitors are coming from.Google Analytics is an easy to use, powerful, free Google product that is used internationally by businesses large & small.

If you have already Google Analytics account.You can easily connect it with your blogger blog with using of given below steps.

For Old Blogger Interface:-
First of all log in to your blogger account.

Go to Settings -> Basics Tab -> Google Analytics Account Number -The Google Analytics account number uniquely identifies your blog. It can be found in your Google Analytics dashboard. This setting is specific to Dynamic Views. Note that you need to add Google Analytics tracking code to your usual template as well.

Google Analytics Connect For Blogger Blog

Google Analytics Connect For Blogger Blog

For New Blogger Interface:-

Go to Settings -> Other Tab -> Google Analytics Account Number

Google Analytics Connect For Blogger Blog


  • Google Analytics is supported on blogs using Dynamic Views, Layouts templates, and mobile templates, but not Classic templates.
  • Because of the technical differences in how Blogger's stats and Google Analytics collect data, you are likely to see some minor discrepancies between the two.

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