Got a Hub? Why sit idle while you can make money out of it? That's right. You can put your hub to good use by making use of Click2Sell to earn some money! If you don't know what a Hub, or what Click2Sell is, then don't worry. This article is for you. Just read on.
Getting started – First off, register for a free account with Click2Sell. Then Head over to the marketplace and look for things you can advertise. Once you have chosen a product, write some Hubs about it and earn money through people who buy the product through you!
Advanced monitoring system – Click2Sell provides extremely detailed information and track-downs of the sales that and your referred affiliates make. They will even tell you how many views your sales pages have,what search keywords were used, what websites are bringing traffic etc.
No cost in selling products – Anyone can set up an account for free and sell unlimited products. However, for vendors, the initial cost is $49.95. They can only sell 500 products per account and each additional account costs $29.95.
Get some followers - Like any other online business, you need an audience or a market where you can advertise products. So you will need followers to be successful here – round about more than 500. It looks like a big number, but when you actually come to think about it, it's not that big a deal. One of the great things about HubPages is that, most of it's members are active members. So you can follow other people, and they will follow you back. Create a decent profile, and you will hit that mark in no time at all. You should also link to other Hubs. That way, you will retain followers, and also add more when that Hub links to your Hub in return.
Discuss problems – You should talk about the problems that people usually face. Tell others about your experiance with a product, or provide solutions to the common problems that people have with it. Research on a topic as well and find out what people are looking for. Sharing your experiance will portray you as an authority. And people will interact with you more. So interact with them in return, and answer any questions promptly.
So get started with Click2Sell on your HubPages now! It's free to get set up! If you have any quesions, feel free to ask. And thanks for reading :)
About HubPages
For those of you who don't know, HubPages is an article-writing and a revenue-sharing website. Member are give their own custom sub-domains for posting articles, embedded with images and other media etc., just like a blog. But a Hub is not a blog. It's more like an online magazine where you write articles longer than a typical blog post, and more detailed on one particular topic. Furthermore, you can socialize with other people via forums, following fellow 'hubbers', posting in the Q&A Section, and more.
With HubPages, you can earn revenue by advertising, using services like the HubPages' own Advertising program, Google AdSense, Clickbank etc. Click2Sell is another service you can make use of. And this shall be our main point of focus today
What is Click2Sell?
Click2Sell is an innovative online affiliate marketing portal where you can earn money by advertising products. You can sell products made by others, or yourself. You can also get others to earn for you through affiliate marketing! (we'll explain how).
You can advertise and promote Click2Sell products on any platform like YouTube, Twitter, blogs/websites etc. However, we have found that promoting on HubPages is by far the most effective earning method.
Why Click2Sell?
Although there are many options for advertising, Click2Sell is one of the best. It's similar to Clickbank, but most people have pointed out that it is the better option. We will soon write an article about Clickbank vs Click2Sell. So stay tuned! And in the meantime, we will discuss some features that Click2Sell offers.
Affiliate Program – Earn money by referring people to Click2Sell! There is no cost to joining. You get up to 30% commission on the fee paid to Click2Sell once a sale is made by an affiliate you referred. And Affiliates can make up to 95% commission on every item they sell.
Sell any product – You can sell any kind of product, digital or physical. From books to software, Click2Sell offer a wide range of products which not only means more options for the advertiser but also a wider range of audience.
Honest dealings – Merchants are monitored and any bad or dishonest practise will get them banned. This ensures that you don't come across unsavoury and unfair merchants and affiliates.
Easy Payout options – Click2Sell offers payment via five major payment processors; PayPal, Moneybookers, WorldPay,, and Google Checkout. Payouts are instant and you don't have to wait. There is no minimum amount for a payout. Instead, you get payouts each month.
Making Hubs that sell
Now that we have covered the What and Why, let's now talk about the How. There are some guidelines that you need to follow in order to make your Hubs successful and to generate a decent revenue.
Optimum Hub size – Keep your Hubs at a moderate length. Too short, and your readers might find it insufficient or lacking in information. Too long, and they will lose interest and wander off. So in my opinion, the optimum Hub size is between 400 to 700 words. Write concisely, and make every word count.
Number of Hubs – You might need to create a number of hubs for just one product. Only one won't help. Create at least 2 or 3 hubs discussing the product from different angles or viewpoints. For example, in one hub, you can explain about the product features. In another, you can talk about some problems with the product (if any) and provide their solutions. The third might contain extra stuff like user reviews, analysis etc.
Don't be over-promotional – First of all, don't over promote a product. Keep your Hub interesting to read, and then recommend the product in it. Don't just copy and paste the product information. Secondly, do not provide multiple links to the product. Otherwise, the readers will feel that you are imposing the product on them. And if you are seen as spamming, you might get banned from HubPages.
Be logical – Be logical in the way you present a product. Provide valid support to your arguments, or valid reasons why someone should choose a certain product; quote statistics, facts and figures. Don't just blatantly put it out there. Be rational! Don't say things like "It's the best of its kind…" etc. Instead, say something like "Considering the various features, it is one of the best options out there". Hence, wordplay is important here.
Structure and grammar - You know the drill. Don't make grammatical or syntactical mistakes. Use headings, paragraphs, bullet-ed lists etc to properly structure your Hubs.

Good luck :)
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