Is it sound ridiculous ? Yes its true, hybrid vehicles are 25 percent safer for their occupants than conventional fuel models but are more hazardous for pedestrians, according to a study from an insurance institute released on Thursday. It may come as no surprise that heavier cars provide better protection to passengers in a collision than lighter cars. It turns out that the batteries that help to power hybrids actually create more weight, making them on average 10 percent heavier than regular cars. The study by insurance institute used more than 25 hybrid cars paired with their standard-model versions. The analysis included more than 25 hybrid-conventional vehicle pairs, all of them 2003-2011 models, with at least one collision claim and at least one related injury claim filed from 2002 to 2010. Lets watch the video to see the study's findings: However, another research carried out by the Highway Loss Data Institute shown that among 17 pairings of hybrid and non-hybrid vehicles, the hybrids were 20 percent more likely to be involved in an accident with a pedestrian. This is because when driving in electric mode, hybrids are so quiet that pedestrians often do not hear them approaching. The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration has already been promoting a measure that would require hybrids and electric vehicles to emit a noise to warn pedestrians of their approach. Many automakers such as Toyota and Lexus are working on device that can produce sounde alert for their cars. |
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