Kes William Yau - Pandemonium in shop when boy went missing

SUBANG JAYA: Pandemonium broke out in the electronics shop where William Yau Zhen Zhong's parents had been looking at washing machines when they realised he was missing."Everyone in the shop, including the four workers, panicked when we heard the mother's frantic cries for help," said Nurul, a cashier at Onking Electronics in Putra Heights.
She said William's parents had entered the store just after 8pm.
"Another worker attended to them. They were inside only for a short while."
A couple of minutes after they left, the mother returned and asked Nurul if she had seen a little boy come into the shop.
"I told her I hadn't and I could see that she was on the verge of tears."
The staff and a few customers, along with William's parents, then searched the shop, but to no avail.
"By then, the mother was crying hysterically and everyone was tensed, feeling sorry for the parents," Nurul said.
Two of the male workers took their motorcycles to look for the boy.
Nurul said police conducted another search of the shop.
Closed-circuit television recording inside the shop showed that William had not entered the premises.
"We don't have any CCTVs outside," Nurul said, adding that a burger stall proprietor near the store also claimed that he did not see the boy.
The electronics shop in Putra Heights, Subang Jaya, where the boy disappeared on Wednesday night. The parents had left their children in their car while they were inside shopping for a washing machine.

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