Apa ada dalam ubat gig yang membahayakan kita

Baru-baru ini, “The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)” telah
mengenalpasti empatbelas (14) jenama ubat gigi dari Negara China
mengandungi diethylene gycol (DEG) yang digunakan sebagai pelarut dalam
agen antibeku. Pengilang-pengilang produk tersebut adalah Goldcredit
International Enterprises Limited, Goldcredit International Trading Company
Limited dan Suzhou City Jinmao Daily Chemicals Company Limited. Jenama
tersebut ialah:

1. Cooldent Fluoride
2. Cooldent Spearmint
3. Cooldent ICE
4. Dr. Cool
5. Everfresh Toothpaste
6. Superdent Toothpaste
7. Clean Rite Toothpaste
8. Oralmax Extreme
9. Oral Bright Fresh Spearmint Flavor
10.Bright Max Peppermint Flavor
11.ShiR Fresh Mint Fluoride Paste
14.DentaKleen Junior.

“Health Sciences Authority”, Singapura (HAS) pula telah mendapati 3 jenama
ubat gigi yang mengandungi diethylene glycol:

1. Hei Mei toothpaste
2. Hei Mei Calcium toothpaste
3. Maxam Toothpaste with Fluoride

Di Malaysia semua kosmetik termasuk ubat gigi perlu berdaftar dengan Pihak
Berkuasa Kawalan Dadah (PBKD). Kesemua jenama di atas tidak berdaftar
dengan PBKD. Pengguna adalah dinasihatkan supaya memastikan produk yang
dibeli adalah selamat dengan menyemak nombor pendaftaran di pek produk
Despite the discovery of DEG’s toxicity in 1937 and its involvement in mass poisonings around the world, the information available regarding human toxicity is limited. Some authors suggest that minimum toxic dose is estimated at 0.14 mg/kg of body weight and lethal dose between 1 and 1.63 g/kg of body weight,[5] while some suggest that the LD50 in adults is of ~1 mL/kg,[1] and others suggest that this is the LD30.[3] Because of its adverse effects on humans, diethylene glycol is not allowed for use in food and drugs. The U.S. Code of Federal Regulations allows no more than 0.2% of diethylene glycol in polyethylene glycol when the latter is used as a food additive.[6]
Diethylene glycol has moderate acute toxicity in animal experiments. The LD50 for small mammals has been tested at between 2 and 25 g/kg, less toxic than its relative ethylene glycol but still capable of causing toxicity in humans. It appears diethylene glycol is more hazardous to humans than implied by oral toxicity data in laboratory animals.[1]

The symptoms of poisoning typically occur in three characteristic intervals:[1]

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